Wednesday, August 13, 2014

In the Beginning...

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  - JOHN 1:1-5

Jesus was always God. He was there from the beginning of time (even before time) something human minds can't comprehend. Most people when they use the phrase " In the beginning…" they weren't talking about the beginning of time. They are talking about the start of the era, or when they started something new. Usually when we use this phrase we talk about how things have changed since then or how we have improved. So this is our "in the beginning..." 

We are the Salina Diocesan Youth Council (for 2014-2015). "In the beginning none of us knew how to make a blog." ( well most of us still don't, but by the end I hope the 14 of us can look back and say that). Many of you I'm sure don't know who we are or what we do. And that, my friends, is why we are creating this blog. There are 14 kids from all over the diocese, some as Far East as Manhattan all the way to the West in Colby. Divided into 4 vicariates we represent you! - The youth of our diocese. Our major goal is to help the youth of our diocese grow closer to our awesome, all knowing, powerful, and loving God (and make some amazing friends along the way)! Each month there will be two people who will share a little about themselves, their faith journey, what its like to be a Catholic youth in the crazy life of high school, what’s on their minds, and whatever the Holy Spirit wants them to share! 

Our goal is by the time we get to convention in March, you will know a little about each of us, and we won't be 14 strangers standing in front of you. We will be Macie, Anna, Rebecca, Corbin, Alex, Matea, Becky, Patrick, Sami, Joseph, Micayla, Mika, Zoe, and Olivia. Then you will look back and say " In the beginning.. These people were just stood up in front and did a skit at convention. But now they are our friends, our representatives, our Salina Diocese Youth Council." God Bless and LETS BE SAINTS!!

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